"Betty is the instructor for the intelligent and discerning."
- Miranda Esmonde-White, Essentrics co-creator, June 2018

Betty is honored to be featured as Teacher of the Month (November 2015) based on her insights into the Essentrics technique. Read more here.

Betty is honored to be featured as Teacher of the Month (November 2015) based on her insights into the Essentrics technique. Read more here.

IN-PERSON CLASS 2025 (no online booking)

Wednesday 4pm - 5pm (60 mins) Full for January
Wednesday 6pm - 7pm (60 mins) ONE spot open for January

These classes are limited to six participants per session. We meet at the Balance Arts Center near Herald Square/Macy’s. The cost is $40 per class, with payments for the whole month required upfront. There is no online registration for this class. Spots available for the following month are announced about a week before month end here, via email, social media, and website posting. You can email and purchase directly from Betty.

Note that the series is not refundable, use it or lose it. However you are free to sell/gift any of the classes you can’t attend to another person, as long as he/she signs a waiver and health questionnaire online.

If you are interested in news about open spots, please visit the Contact page and sign up to receive class news. If you are interested in taking a spot, please email Betty directly. Thank you.

ZOOM CLASS SCHEDULE, 2025 (Online booking)

All classes are six people max. You will receive personal attention and correction. For price details please scroll down to “RATES & POLICIES.”

8:30am - 9:00am (30 mins)

Tuesday 10:45am - 11:45am (60 mins)

ESSENTRICS Aging Backwards 
Friday 8:00am - 9:00am (60 mins)

Kindly read and understand the terms below about how to Change /Cancel your booking.

When you click “BOOK A CLASS” you’ll see the option to “BUY A CLASS/CLASS PASS.”

How to Book or Change a Booking


All online classes are 6 people max.

A full-body stretching and toning workout that's great for most levels. This class builds strength, flexibility, speed, balance, and range of motion while releasing stress. Great for posture and complements all other sports and workouts. 

ESSENTRICS Aging Backwards
A slower-paced workout that restores full-body mobility while safely and slowly enhances strength and flexibility. Designed for people easing into exercising, recovering from surgeries, or those suffering from chronic pain, atrophy issues, or stiffness due to past injuries. 

Private Training (personal, group or institutions)
Betty hosts personal training and private group sessions large and small in NYC. Feel free to contact to discuss your needs. 

RATES & POLICIES (please read)

(NEW CLIENTS ONLY) 2-hour pass: $50 (valid for 30 days) 
One-hour pass ($36 for full-hour class, $18 for half-hour class, valid for 30 days
5-hour pass ($32 per full-hour class, $16 per half-hour class. Valid for 90 days) 
8-hour pass ($30 per class, valid for 90 days)

Private sessions: rates vary depending on size of group and locations. Electronic payments are due 24 hours before appointment.

For online classes:

  • Your class pass is “use it or lose it.” No extension, no exceptions.

  • Online class passes are not transferrable or refundable.

Terms: Change/Cancel (please read):

Online Group Classes

  • To avoid forfeiting class fee, please cancel/change online at least 12 hours before class starts.

  • Simply retrieve your appointment reminder or appointment confirmation email, then click "Change/Cancel Appointment." 

  • Please note that emailing/texting/calling/messaging Betty does NOT suffice.

Private Sessions

  • Please email/text/call Betty to change/cancel

  • +24 hours before session: full refund

  • 12 to 24 hours before session: 50% refund

  • Less than 12 hours before session: no refund

Wish to stay informed about classes? Visit the "Contact" page and add your name to the update list!

Can't come to a class? Check out "Classical Stretch" on WLIW21 if you're in NYC. Also check out EssentricsTV.com for streaming.